5 steps to create a perfect one page website

It’s no wonder that there’s an increasing trend for one page websites. With scroll-worthy captivating content focused on one offer and one action, one page websites are powerfully strategic. For some entrepreneurs, having a one page website versus a full multi-page website is a much smarter move to turn visitors into instant customers. 

Yup, the good ole adage ‘Less is more’ is in full effect here. When it comes to creating an impactful website design, essentialism is key. You’re basically konmari’ing your website to only contain the elements that drive results. Depending on the nature of your offer and what business stage you’re currently at, a one page may be just the right thing. 

One page website is for you if:

  • You want to sell a program or product (a course, workshop, community subscription etc.) now or in the future.

  • You want to turn interested people into future customers.

  • You want to drive people to sign up/pay directly.

  • You’re starting out and need to test out ideas quickly.

  • You want to share your most vital content and start building your email list.

Here are some tips for building your perfect one page website.


Plan your content

Write out your content based on your goals. Questions to guide you are: What’s your awesome offering? Who is it for? How would they benefit? Your experience and passion behind the offering. Read more below for how to best create structure and hierarchy.


Clear headline and hero image.

The top-most area aka ‘above the fold’ determines whether your visitor will want to engage further. In roughly the first 3 seconds. Make this area as visually captivating, clear and succinct as possible. There should be no confusion about what your product is here. Include a CTA (Call to action) that draws an awareness about how they will be able to engage with your offering. (Subscribe, download, try out for free, get on the waitlist, purchase etc.?)


Scroll-worthy sequence

What follows after the dramatic opening is a series of sections that should build positive anticipation. The following are essential elements that you should include:

- Descriptive CTAs (everywhere and anywhere it makes sense)

- Who it’s for (Who it’s not for?)

- What transformation awaits them?

- Social proof (Testimonials, media mentions)


- What they should expect when they sign up

- About

- Meet the team (optional)

- Visual elements (photos, illustrations, icons)


Pace and contrast

Make the journey down interesting! Vary the order between text-dense areas with more spacious and dramatic areas (imagery and testimonial). The contrast creates a sense of movement and pause. It helps the visitor to understand and digest the message and will further motivate them to learn more.


Minimize distractions

It’s important that in a one page website, you’re sticking to the essential message and action. It’s typical that we don’t include a top menu, an extensive footer, social icons, or a side bar. The only other pages you may lead them to would be a separate descriptive lead magnet page or payment/checkout page.

Hopefully these tips help you to think about whether a one page website would be right for you.




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“The secret to finding your passion is to bring it to everything you do.”

- Marie Forleo


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